LG Uplus opens the ‘Al-dot Care’ service, allowing budget phone customers to easily check their subscription information and usage online. /Courtesy of LG Uplus

LG Uplus announced on the 6th that it has launched 'Aldot Care,' an online platform that allows budget mobile phone customers to easily check their subscription information and usage. Anyone using the telecommunication plans from the 42 partner companies renting the LG Uplus network can access 'Aldot Care.'

'Aldot Care' is an online integrated customer center where budget mobile phone users can conveniently check and apply for their subscription information, mobile phone details, billing inquiries, usage status, as well as report lost or suspended services online. It can be accessed through the budget mobile phone shared website 'Aldot,' which also offers services such as product comparisons and self-activation.

LG Uplus developed Aldot Care to make it easier for budget mobile phone users to access various customer service (CS) tasks. Previously, existing budget mobile phone customers faced inconveniences as they had to call the customer centers of each partner company or visit LG Uplus's offline stores for CS tasks, but with the launch of Aldot Care, customers can now easily access their desired CS tasks online.

From the perspective of LG Uplus's budget mobile phone partners, expenses can be reduced. Since Aldot Care handles all CS tasks for the budget mobile phone partners, they can minimize expenses related to developing or operating separate online customer centers.

The opening of Aldot Care is part of LG Uplus's 'Budget Mobile Phone Coexistence Project.' Previously, LG Uplus has operated programs such as launching a dedicated website for budget mobile operators called 'Partners' in 2020, introducing the shared 'One Chip' SIM card, launching the joint marketing support brand '+Alpha' in 2022, and providing quick support for budget mobile activations through 'Now Delivery' in 2024.

LG Uplus plans to expand the range of CS tasks offered through Aldot Care in the latter half of this year through additional service reforms. Currently, users can only check their usage status and billing information, but after the forthcoming updates, services such as bill payments, small payment management, and roaming will also be offered.

Kwon Oh-seok, head of the MVNO business at LG Uplus, noted, 'We developed the Aldot Care service to improve convenience for budget mobile phone users and strengthen coexistence with budget mobile phone partners.' He added, 'In the future, we will continue to provide support in various areas so that diverse budget mobile operators can reduce their burdens and offer services.'