It was found that the number of students transferred from early admissions to regular admissions at 39 medical schools this year was a total of 105. This is the first time in four years since the 2021 academic year that the scale of transfers to regular admissions for medical schools exceeded 100.

In front of a medical college in Seoul, citizens are passing by on the 30th. The photo is unrelated to the content of the article. /Courtesy of News1

On the 30th, the Ministry of Education compiled the confirmed number of regular admissions through university websites and telephone confirmations as of 6 p.m. that day, revealing that 25 universities, including Catholic Kwandong University and Konkuk University (Glocal), had 105 students transferred from early to regular admissions. Initially, 39 medical schools planned to select 3,118 students for early admissions and 1,492 for regular admissions. However, with 105 unfilled spots from early admissions moving to regular admissions, the number of regular admissions increased to 1,597.

The university with the highest number of transferred students was Catholic University of Daegu, with 17 students moving to regular admissions. This was followed by Konkuk University (Glocal) and Chungnam National University with 11 and 10 students, respectively.

It was found that 14 universities, including Seoul National University, selected all the planned students for early admissions, resulting in 0 transferred students. The 14 medical schools, including Gachon University, Catholic University, Kangwon National University, Dankook University (Cheonan), Seoul National University, Sungkyunkwan University, Ajou University, Yonsei University, Wonkwang University, Ewha Womans University, Inha University, Chung-Ang University, Chungbuk National University, and Hanyang University, selected all planned students for early admissions.

Kyunghee University, Keimyung University, Korea University, Dong-a University, Soonchunhyang University, Yeungnam University, Jeonnam National University, and Hallym University each added one student to the regular admissions. Particularly, among the so-called 'Big 5' medical schools—Seoul National University, Yonsei University, University of Ulsan, Catholic University, and Sungkyunkwan University—all had no transferred students, except for University of Ulsan with two.

According to Jongro Academy, the scale of transfers to regular admissions for medical schools exceeding 100 is the first time in four years since 157 students in the 2021 academic year. Last year, 33 students were transferred to regular admissions from the early admissions of all 39 medical schools. This appears to be due to an increase in the number of seats mainly through the regional talent selection arising from the planned increase in the number of medical students in the 2025 academic year, leading to a higher rate of unfilled positions in early admissions and greater movement among successful early admission candidates.

The overall scale of transfers to regular admissions in the natural sciences departments of top universities also decreased compared to last year. According to the Etoos Education Evaluation Research Institute, the total number of transferred students in the natural sciences departments of six universities, including Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Korea University, Sogang University, Sungkyunkwan University, and Hanyang University, was 170. This is a decrease of 77 from the 247 transferred students last year.

Currently, two universities, Yonsei University's Future Campus and Eulji University Medical School, have not yet disclosed their transfer numbers on their websites. Regarding the data, the Ministry of Education noted, "The results of the compilation can change due to additional occurrences of unregistered students from early admissions."