NGC 772: The Fiddlehead Galaxy. /Courtesy of NASA·Jean-François Bax & Serge Brunier, OCA/C2PU
NGC 772: The Fiddlehead Galaxy. /Courtesy of NASA·Jean-François Bax & Serge Brunier, OCA/C2PU

Ah, the star in the photo is the Fiddlehead spiral galaxy. The elliptical galaxy NGC 770 directly below appears to have a distorted spiral shape due to gravitational interaction with NGC 770. Known as NGC 772 or Arp 78, the Fiddlehead extends more than 200,000 light-years (light-year: the distance light travels in one year, approximately 9.46 trillion kilometers) and is located in the nearby universe about 100 million light-years away beyond the stars of our galaxy. It can be observed in the direction of Aries. This was captured at the end of last year in Calern, France.