Convenience store franchise Seven-Eleven announced on the 5th the launch of its alcoholic beverage "Wineball," which combines highball and wine.
On this day, Seven-Eleven released two varieties of "Henri Matisse Wineball." The Henri Matisse Wineball consists of two products: "Katia Red Wineball" and "Nadia White Wineball." Each product features Katia and Nadia, as painted by the artist Henri Matisse.
Seven-Eleven stated that the Henri Matisse Wineball was designed to allow enjoyment of the best qualities of wine and highball simultaneously. According to Seven-Eleven, consumers can enjoy both the smooth and aromatic wine flavors along with a refreshing sensation, making it well-suited for home party beverages with friends or family.
The Katia Red Wineball is a red wine-based highball that prominently features the aromas of red fruits, cherry, and blackberry. The Nadia White Wineball adds a refreshing carbonation to white wine, showcasing the fruity scents of peach, apricot, and fragrant floral notes. Both have an alcohol content of 5.0%.
To celebrate the launch of the Henri Matisse Wineball, Seven-Eleven is offering a 20% on-site discount for payments made with Kakao Pay Money, Hyundai Card, or Hana Card throughout the month of January.
앙리마티스 와인볼은 와인과 하이볼 장점만 모아 동시에 즐길 수 있도록 만들었다고 세븐일레븐은 전했다. 세븐일레븐에 따르면 부드럽고 향긋한 와인 풍미와 청량감을 함께 느낄 수 있어 지인이나 가족 등과 함께 홈파티 주류로 활용하기 좋다.
카티아 레드 와인볼은 붉은 과일과 체리, 블랙베리 향이 돋보이는 레드와인 기반 하이볼이다. 나디아 화이트 와인볼은 복숭아, 살구 등 과실향과 향긋한 꽃 향이 돋보이는 화이트 와인에 청량한 탄산감을 더했다. 알코올 도수는 모두 5.0%다.
세븐일레븐은 앙리마티스 와인볼 출시를 기념해 1월 한 달간 카카오페이머니, 현대카드, 하나카드로 결제 시 20% 현장할인 혜택을 제공한다.