On the morning of the 23rd, Minister Park Sang-woo of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is responding to questions from lawmakers during the National Assembly's full meeting of the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee. /Courtesy of Yonhap News Agency

Minister Park Sang-woo of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said on the 23rd regarding the 'Dec. 3 emergency martial law incident,' "I believe it was an incorrect measure and I could not agree with it."

On the same day, Minister Park, during a plenary meeting of the National Assembly's Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee, noted, "As a Cabinet member, I feel sorry for how the situation has reached this point," and stated, "I feel the responsibility and will not cling to my position. I am always ready to act appropriately."

In response to a query from Min Hong-cheol, a member of the Democratic Party, regarding whether Minister Park received directives related to the martial law, he said, "No," and explained that he instructed his staff to "not act recklessly and to request cooperation from related business associations to ensure that public transportation, such as buses and taxis, operates normally" based on his personal judgment.

On the same day, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport reported to the Land Committee regarding 'types of jeonse fraud and the scale of damage.' According to the Minister, under the newly implemented Special Law on Jeonse Fraud in September, the ministry must investigate the scale of damage from jeonse fraud every six months and report the findings to the National Assembly.

The Ministry reported that approximately 25,000 individuals have been determined as victims of jeonse fraud from June of last year until last month, of which about 22,000 received a total of 970 billion won in support. Approximately 60% of jeonse fraud cases occurred in the metropolitan area. Most victims are aged in their 20s and 30s, and the type of dwellings involved were multi-family houses. The majority of the damages were in the form of deposits of less than 300 million won. The average amount of damage per person was found to be about 130 million won.

As of last month, the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) reported that it has acquired a total of 89 dwellings as part of a support plan that involves purchasing damaged homes at auction and renting them to victims for 10 years at no charge. Currently, there are 3,721 dwellings undergoing the purchase process.

Minister Park stated, "By the end of last month, we supported approximately 659 billion won in jeonse loans and reduced acquisition and property taxes totaling about 3.2 billion won," and added, "We will do our utmost to support jeonse fraud victims so they can quickly overcome their pain and return to their daily lives."

The Ministry explained that it has taken measures to amend the 'cleaning clauses,' identified as a cause of overwork among Coupang's delivery drivers, to bring the consignment contract to the same standard as the government standard contract under the Living Logistics Act. Coupang's logistics subsidiary, Coupang Logistics Service (CLS), includes 10 cleaning clauses that stipulate if a delivery driver fails to meet delivery performance rates, the delivery area may be recalled, resulting in contract termination or change of delivery area. Following the Ministry's correction measures, Coupang removed six cleaning items, such as 'fresh food performance rate below 95%' and 'monthly delayed delivery rate above 0.5%.'

Minister Park noted, "The cleaning clauses causing overwork for delivery workers will be improved to a level similar to that of other delivery companies," and added, "The government plans to promote institutional improvements steadily, such as excluding delivery drivers from minor sorting tasks and mandating key clauses in standard contracts."