Choi Sang-mok, acting President and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance, said on the 14th, “I will hold accountable, with a zero-tolerance principle, those actions that challenge public authority, such as facility destruction, arson, and assaults on police officers.” This was a warning message regarding terror threats ahead of the Constitutional Court's ruling on impeachment against President Yoon Suk-yeol next week.
Acting Prime Minister Choi held a security meeting at the Government Seoul Building in Jongno District, Seoul, on that day, stating, “As tensions rise between the pro- and anti-impeachment sides ahead of the Constitutional Court's important decision, public concern regarding maintaining public order, including physical clashes, is increasing.”
He continued, “Freedom of expression is a precious right guaranteed by the Constitution, and the expression of diverse opinions and gatherings and protests are also essential elements in a democratic society,” adding, “However, freedom must come with responsibility.”
Acting Prime Minister Choi stated, “While the government respects the freedom of assembly and protest, it is setting principles to ensure the safety of the public and social order,” and added, “We will respond firmly to illegal violent actions in accordance with the law and principles and strengthen measures to protect citizens' daily lives.”
He further noted, “We will hold accountable, with a zero-tolerance principle, those actions that challenge public authority,” and added, “We will mobilize all available police forces to steadily maintain public order, including designating major urban areas in Seoul around the Constitutional Court as 'special crime prevention enhancement zones.'”
He also stated, “We will thoroughly prepare to ensure the safety of the Constitutional Court, the justices, as well as the National Assembly, the courts, and other key state institutions so that the constitutional order is not compromised.”
Acting Prime Minister Choi urged the police, the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, and Seoul City, saying, “Recognize that the safety of the public is the top priority, and please prepare thoroughly in advance to prevent safety accidents and to ensure that no unpleasant incidents occur.”
He added, “The international community is closely watching South Korea, and our country’s democratic resilience is under scrutiny,” stating, “It is essential for social stability and community development that all citizens express their opinions in a lawful manner and respect and accept the outcomes of any decisions.”