LG Electronics announced on the 23rd that its video content creator group, 'LG Electronics Ambassador 1st Term', concluded its activities, garnering over 8 million engagements.
LG Electronics held a graduation ceremony for the LG Electronics Ambassador 1st Term at the multi-cultural space 'Ground 220' located in Yangpyeong-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, on the 21st. The event marked the conclusion of activities for approximately 70 ambassadors selected this September through a competitive rate of 21 to 1, and was an opportunity to share their achievements to date.
The LG Electronics Ambassador group consists of creators who promote the value of 'a better life' through video content that share their experiences using LG Electronics products and services. It was designed to spread positive brand experiences with loyal customers who have genuinely used LG Electronics products and services through purchases or subscriptions.
The 1st Term ambassadors produced and posted various video content on the theme of LG Electronics for about three months. The videos they shared on their respective social networking services (SNS) achieved over 8 million views, with likes and comments surpassing 70,000.
Among these, the video with the highest view count (about 300,000 views) was titled 'Reasons Why a COVID Era College Student Fell in Love with LG Electronics', which included a segment introducing 'LG Gram' as a friend who shared the college life during the pandemic.
With this year's achievements, LG Electronics plans to begin recruiting for the LG Electronics Ambassador 2nd Term in the first half of next year. Jeong Su-jin, head of brand communications at LG Electronics, said, "We will not stop at the 1st Term, but continue the ambassador activities into the 2nd and 3rd Terms to widely spread our customers' positive experiences and listen more closely to the voices of various customers."