Shin Yu-yeol, the son of Shin Dong-bin, chairman of Lotte Group, attended the world's largest IT exhibition, the "Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2025," which opened on the 7th (local time). He particularly spent a long time at the booths of HL Mando and Mobileye, showing a keen interest in the mobility industry.

Shin Yu-Yeol, the Vice President of Lotte Holdings, visits the HL booth to listen to an explanation from company officials at the Las Vegas Convention Center in the United States, where CES 2025 is being held on Jul. 7 (local time). / Courtesy of Jin Sang-Hoon.

At around 9 a.m. that day, Shin arrived at the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC) with officials from Lotte Holdings and began his schedule at the LOTTE INNOVATE booth.

LOTTE INNOVATE exhibited its ultra-realistic metaverse platform "Caliverse" and the electric vehicle charging system from its subsidiary, EVSYS, at this CES. Caliverse and the electric vehicle charging system are considered key new growth businesses for Lotte Group, along with pharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) and secondary battery materials.

After experiencing Caliverse, Shin asked Oh Young-sik, CEO of EVSYS, whether he had received certification in the United States, among other inquiries about the electric vehicle charging business.

After leaving the LOTTE INNOVATE booth, Shin toured international corporations' booths, including Siemens, Abbott, and 3M, before visiting the Korean agricultural machinery manufacturer Daedong's booth. Daedong was the first domestic agricultural machinery company to open a booth at this year's CES, showcasing AI-based multifunctional agricultural robots and plant cultivation systems. Shin observed the advanced agricultural machinery intently while listening to an official's explanation for over 10 minutes at the Daedong booth.

Shin Yu-Yeol, the Vice President of Lotte Holdings, tours the Daedong booth of a domestic agricultural machinery manufacturer on Jul. 7 (local time) at the Las Vegas Convention Center in the United States, where CES 2025 is being held. / Courtesy of Jin Sang-Hoon.

Subsequently, Shin moved to the West Hall, where companies manufacturing mobility products or exhibiting related technologies were concentrated. He visited the LG Innotek booth at the entrance of the West Hall, surveying the future vehicle "mockup" equipped with various autonomous driving and electronics parts, including advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). He then visited the booths of Amazon, which exhibited vehicle AI solutions, Hyundai Mobis, Waymo (Google's robo-taxi subsidiary), HL Mando, Honda, and Mobileye.

Shin showed great interest in electronic components at the HL Mando booth, spending a long time there. After greeting Cho Sung-hyun, vice chairman of HL Mando, he received explanations about advanced mobility and electronic components from company officials. He also closely observed the "Rin3" from the Japanese electric vehicle manufacturer Rin Mobility, which was displayed at the booth, taking photos with his cellphone. The Rin3 is equipped with HL Mando's electronic components.

Shin Yu-Yeol, the Vice President of Lotte Holdings, examines the single-passenger electric vehicle 'Lin3' at the HL Mando booth at the Las Vegas Convention Center in the United States, where CES 2025 is being held on Jul. 7 (local time). / Courtesy of Jin Sang-Hoon.

Since 2023, Shin has served as the head of future growth at Lotte Holdings, focusing on finding new opportunities for the group. He has attended CES for the past three consecutive years to understand trends in new technologies in the global market. The mobility and agriculture sectors that caught Shin's attention at this CES are expected to draw interest from the business community regarding whether they will become new growth drivers for Lotte Group.