The Ministry of SMEs and Startups announced on the 2nd that it will establish and operate a 'Small Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence Innovation Task Force (TF)' to help small manufacturing companies effectively adopt the rapidly spreading artificial intelligence (AI).
The TF will formulate and promote policies to foster specialized companies in smart manufacturing technology that implement the adoption of artificial intelligence in small manufacturing sites.
It plans to establish a new designation system for specialized companies and develop a smart manufacturing technology roadmap to discover corporations with excellent technological capabilities and support them systematically.
It will promote tailored technology development projects to strengthen the capabilities of specialized companies and plan official development assistance (ODA) projects in smart manufacturing for countries like Indonesia and Vietnam to facilitate overseas expansion.
Additionally, there are plans to enhance the currently operational Artificial Intelligence Manufacturing Platform (KAMP) to strengthen its role as the leading manufacturing artificial intelligence and data hub in the country, as well as to support local manufacturing companies in solving on-site issues using artificial intelligence by establishing 'Regionally Specialized Manufacturing AI Centers' in three areas nationwide this year.
The Ministry also plans to form a working TF under the Smart Manufacturing Innovation Promotion Team within the Korea Institute of Small and Medium Enterprises to jointly develop and execute policies.
Kim Woo-joong, director of local corporate policy at the Ministry, noted, 'Through TF, we will systematically support small manufacturing companies to more widely utilize artificial intelligence and implement digital transformation (DX) and artificial intelligence transformation (AX) on the manufacturing site.'