The Korea Economic Association (hereinafter referred to as KEA) requested its member companies on the 17th to proceed with the scheduled year-end and New Year events and meetings as planned to stimulate domestic demand and overcome the difficulties faced by small businesses, as well as to encourage employees to take their annual leave.
On that day, KEA requested through a cooperation letter that ▲ year-end and New Year events and meetings be held as scheduled ▲ employees be encouraged to use their remaining annual leave ▲ early purchase of supplies and consumables ▲ early contracting of events and advance payment of deposits ▲ early payment of delivery fees to partner companies.
Lee Sang-ho, head of the Economic and Industrial Division at KEA, noted, "Recent political uncertainties domestically and internationally, along with the cancellation of scheduled events and meetings, are exacerbating the difficulties faced by small businesses." He emphasized, "It is a critical time for corporations to actively collaborate in overcoming the sluggish domestic demand and alleviating the management difficulties of small businesses."