A total of 37 listed companies implemented stock split and stock consolidation last year. Although the number of companies that conducted stock changes decreased in the securities market, it increased in the KOSDAQ market.

Provided by Korea Securities Depository. /Courtesy of News1

According to the Korea Securities Depository on the 8th, a total of 37 listed companies conducted stock changes last year, an increase of 9 companies compared to 28 companies in 2023. By market, the securities market had 7 companies, a decrease of 7 from 14 companies in 2023, while the KOSDAQ market had 30 companies, an increase of 16 from 14 companies during the same period.

Looking at the types of stock changes, 20 companies conducted stock splits. In contrast, 17 companies executed stock consolidations.

In detail, in the securities market, there were 7 companies that implemented stock splits, and none that conducted stock consolidations. In the KOSDAQ market, there were 17 companies that consolidated their stocks and 13 that split their stocks, indicating a majority of listed companies conducted stock consolidations.

The most common face value was 500 won, accounting for 50.47% in the securities market and 75.13% in the KOSDAQ market.

A representative from the depository noted, "From the investor's perspective, with various face values of stocks being circulated in the securities market, it is challenging to conduct simple price comparisons, so careful attention is required when investing."