Lady Jane, who is pregnant, revealed the gender of her twins.

On the 21st, a video titled "Finally the 20-week Gender Reveal Party. We will reveal the gender of the twins!" was posted on the channel 'Lady Jane.'

On this day, Lady Jane expressed excitement, saying she waited for 20 weeks to get hints about the gender of the twins.

Lady Jane revealed her prominently rounded D-line through a mirror before going to the hospital. Lady Jane noted, "Now, even from the front, my stomach has really grown a lot," and added that it was a "remarkable twin belly."

Having obtained hints at the hospital, Lady Jane and Lim Hyun-tae prepared for the gender reveal party. As Lady Jane wished, both kids were daughters, and she hugged Lim Hyun-tae, saying, "Congratulations."

Lim Hyun-tae said, "It's so great. I feel like I might cry," and Lady Jane smiled broadly, saying, "I'm really happy because I secretly wanted sister twins."

[Photo] Channel 'Lady Jane'