Director Hwang Dong-hyuk, who directed the Netflix series "Squid Game," said, "The scene of voting for and against 'Squid Game' Season 2 is chillingly similar to the current division over the president's impeachment."
According to Yonhap News on the 5th, Director Hwang made these remarks at a café in Jongno on the 3rd. In "Squid Game 2," game participants will vote on whether to continue or stop after each game.
Director Hwang stated, "I believe there is a crisis in representative democracy," and added, "I wanted to question whether this system, where everything is decided at once by majority vote through an election, is truly appropriate and if there are no alternatives."
He continued, "Even now, there are gatherings divided over the president's impeachment at the presidential residence and elsewhere, and police have drawn lines because they are afraid of fighting," expressing surprise at how similar this was to the fighting depicted in the Season 2 game area.
In front of the presidential residence in Hannam-dong, Seoul, rallies calling for the execution of an arrest warrant for President Yoon Suk-yeol and opposing rallies have been ongoing for three days. The pro-arrest rally and the opposing rally are being held about 300 meters apart near the presidential residence. Despite the blizzard, protesters remain in place, using umbrellas and wrapping themselves in foil blankets.
The pro-arrest rally group held a press conference, raising their voices for the swift arrest of President Yoon Suk-yeol, who is facing charges of insurrection. Meanwhile, those opposing the arrest are countering by claiming that the warrant issuance is invalid.