OTOKI curry is displayed in a large supermarket in downtown Seoul./Courtesy of News1

OTOKI announced on the 17th that it will raise the prices of its 3-minute curry and black bean sauce products sold at convenience stores by approximately 13.6% starting from the 1st of next month.

The prices of '3-minute curry (200g) mild and spicy flavors' and '3-minute beef black bean sauce (200g)' will increase from 2,200 won to 2,500 won. 'OTOKI strawberry jam (300g)' will rise from 6,000 won to 6,600 won, and 'OTOKI honey mustard sauce (265g)', 'OTOKI sesame dressing (245g)', and 'OTOKI horseradish (250g)' will also increase by 400 to 500 won.

Since the end of last month, OTOKI has also raised prices on pepper, vinegar, and corn syrup supplied to large supermarkets. The price of 'OTOKI ground pepper (100g)' has risen from 7,180 won to 7,950 won, and 'OTOKI brewed vinegar (900㎖)' has increased from 1,700 won to 1,880 won. 'OTOKI old-fashioned corn syrup (1.2㎏)' has gone up from 4,680 won to 5,180 won.

An OTOKI official noted, 'We refrained from reflecting the increase in raw materials and components in product prices but opted to raise prices this time.'