The government is recruiting seven trainees for the 'Trauma Specialty' to foster dedicated personnel for severe trauma patients.
The Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced on the 21st that the government will solicit trainees for obtaining the Trauma Specialty from April 24 to April 4.
The initial budget for the trauma specialty training support program was not reflected in this year’s plans. With the government funding being halted, centers like the trauma specialist training center at Korea University Guro Hospital faced closure. As the controversy grew, the government secured 868 million won through a change in the emergency medical fund management plan to continue the operation of the program. For reference, the support amount for one trainee specialist is about 12.4 million won per year, covering labor and education costs.
Particularly this year, the number of supported trauma specialty trainees has been expanded from the original five to seven. Additionally, while only five hospitals were previously eligible for training, twelve regional trauma centers have been added to the list. The number of supported specialties has also increased from four to six by adding emergency medicine and pain management specialties.
A government official noted, "We will continue to provide support to ensure a quality training environment where various trauma patients can be treated in medical institutions with secured trauma-specific intensive care units," and urged doctors who are interested to actively participate in overcoming the issue of shortage of specialized personnel in the field of severe trauma.
Specialists wishing to apply for trauma specialty training support must submit their application to the Ministry of Health and Welfare by the 4th of next month.