CEO Myungsoo Ko of Smatel. /Courtesy of Smatel

The Korea Association of Budget Mobile Phone Operators elected Ko Myung-soo, CEO of Smatel, as the 9th president at the regular general meeting.

According to the industry on 4th, the newly appointed president Ko plans to serve as president of the Korea Association of Budget Mobile Phone Operators for the next two years starting from today. Ko previously worked as a planner for prescription drugs at Pfizer Korea and Janssen Korea, contributing to the development of budget mobile phones (MVNOs) as a telecommunications expert for 25 years.

Ko said, “In line with the government’s policies to reduce household communication expenses and activate budget mobile phones, we will strengthen the association’s role to enhance the credibility of the budget mobile phone business and provide practical assistance to member companies.” He added, “We will turn the crisis faced by the budget mobile communication market, which is in a critical situation due to the transition to a post-regulation system for wholesale prices and the payment of spectrum usage fees, into an opportunity to achieve the popularization era of budget mobile phones and greatly contribute to reducing communication costs for the public.”