The spouse of actor Lee Sang-in showed signs of depression.
The story of "actor Lee Sang-in and a mother on the brink due to raising three sons" was revealed on Channel A's "Raising Kids These Days - My Precious Child" that aired on the 14th.
On that day, Dr. Oh Eun-young observed the behavior of Lee Sang-in's first child, Geumjok, and decided to stop the recording to meet in person. After meeting Geumjok, Dr. Oh noted that there were difficulties in communication, stating, "It appears to be on the autism spectrum." The spouse of Lee Sang-in, who had been in denial, shed tears at Dr. Oh's words.
However, there was another difficulty for the couple Lee Sang-in. It was the mother’s depression. The spouse of Lee Sang-in appeared exhausted while taking care of the three sons alone. Dr. Oh Eun-young expressed concern, saying, "All emotional and physical energy has been worn down to the point that the vessel has holes."
Then she expressed her concern, saying, "What worries me is that the mother’s depression affects the children. When energy is depleted, it's hard to cope in the moment. There needs to be clear discipline, but there is no energy for that either, and conversely, there is no energy even for situations where one should feel joy. When one is depressed, tears keep coming. The children end up being sensitive to their mother's feelings. Approximately 40% of older children under a depressed mother and father feel depressed themselves."
She added, "When parents intervene and teach incorrect aspects early on, children fail to learn emotional regulation, may become aggressive, and experience difficulties in forming relationships with peers. Attention span may also decrease."
Throughout the video, the spouse appeared overwhelmed and unstable. She told Lee Sang-in, "There were times when the reality of the sun rising and repeating was very hard to bear," adding, "I came to Miryang believing in myself, but thought, 'What did I do wrong? Why am I here?' I want to run away without doing anything. If a housewife could submit a resignation, I would want to do that."
Dr. Oh Eun-young asked the spouse, who was crying out inside, "If the feeling of depression becomes this deep, making daily life difficult, it's time to seek help and go to the hospital. Have you sought help?" The spouse replied, "I wanted to go about two years ago, but I felt ashamed. Just going through this small town made me feel embarrassed as if I was ashamed of myself, and I just didn't like who I was."
She mentioned that she recently visited a hospital, saying, "I thought I would just try to endure, but I visited the hospital recently. Normally, they don’t prescribe medication immediately during the first visit, but my condition was not good, so they said I needed to start medication right away. They gave me several pills, but when I took them, I felt endlessly subdued and thought I couldn't handle parenting, so I stopped after three days. I just thought, 'It’s my problem; I just need to pull myself together.'"
Dr. Oh Eun-young encouraged her, saying, "It's not that you are incompetent or lacking love for the children just because you can’t handle this extreme situation naturally. It's not something to be ashamed of."
In particular, Dr. Oh Eun-young said, "Taking medication won’t solve the situation, but it helps maintain the balance of mental health, allowing you to endure the difficult situation without hitting rock bottom. Therefore, you need to continue treatment. Being a mother doesn’t make you weak; you’ve been enduring all this because you are a mother. Enduring is not the only solution. You need to be present for everything. So, I think it’s necessary to take care of yourself right now."
[Photo] Captured from the broadcast of "Raising Kids These Days - My Precious Child"