It has been reported that illegal imitation products of 'Buldak-bokkeum-myeon', which is gaining great popularity not only domestically but also abroad, are being distributed.

Samyang Foods produces spicy chicken ramen (left) and a local Chinese company produces imitation spicy chicken ramen. /Courtesy of Korea Food Industry Association

On the 25th, Professor Seo Kyung-deok of Sungshin Women's University noted through his social networking service (SNS), 'Recently, many netizens living abroad reported this to me, and there have already been many posts on SNS warning to be cautious of fakes.'

Professor Seo also posted photos of the 'fake' Buldak-bokkeum-myeon product currently being produced in China. He pointed out, 'The character designs and fonts on the packaging are similar, and the 'KOREA mark' and 'halal mark' are also attached, making it difficult for overseas consumers to distinguish the genuine product.'

He added, 'Especially, instead of the Samyang Foods mark, there is a corporation name 'Bingoone', and on the back, it says 'MADE IN P.R.C.' The 'P.R.C.' is an abbreviation for 'People's Republic of China', referring to China's official name '중화인민공화국.'

Additionally, Professor Seo mentioned that in 2021, major food corporations, including Samyang Foods, CJ CheilJedang, OTOKI, and Daesang, formed a 'Joint Council to Eradicate K-Food Imitations' and filed intellectual property infringement lawsuits against Chinese companies, winning some cases.

Professor Seo stated, 'However, the compensation amount determined by the Chinese court was absurdly low compared to the actual damage incurred by each corporation, leading to controversy.' He emphasized, 'Now the Korean government must take active measures to ensure that our corporations can protect their intellectual property rights abroad.'

'This kind of imitation food can negatively impact the image of 'K-Food', which is currently thriving, so the Chinese companies selling fakes worldwide must put an end to this.'

Earlier in 2023, the Chinese brand Sanai was embroiled in controversy for selling products that completely copied the packaging and product names of genuine Korean goods such as Buldak-bokkeum-myeon, white sugar, and beef bouillon.