Human Resource Development Excellent Institution Certification System website. /Courtesy of Human Resource Development Excellent Institution Certification System website screenshot

The Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Ministry of Education noted that they will accept applications for the '2025 Excellent Human Resource Development Institution (Best HRD) Certification' from March 24 to May 22.

The Excellent Human Resource Development Institution certification is a system that selects corporations or public institutions that hire personnel based on capability and strive to enhance employee competencies.

The private sector is overseen by the Ministry of Employment and Labor, while the public sector is overseen by the Ministry of Education. Until last year, a total of 1865 institutions were selected as Excellent Human Resource Development Institutions, including 1112 private corporations and 753 public institutions.

Institutions selected as Excellent Institutions can use the Excellent Institution logo, receive exemptions from regular labor inspections, and participate in training for responsible personnel.

Private sector certification can be applied for at the Human Resources Development Service of Korea. The public sector can apply through the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training.

Im Young-mi, head of the Employment and Labor Ministry's Vocational Competency Policy Bureau, said, 'I hope many corporations will participate, spreading social interest in human resource development.'

Lee Joo-hee, the Ministry of Education's director of talent policy planning, said, 'I hope many public institutions that are striving for fair hiring and rational education and training for organizational members will participate.'