On Oct. 20, Democratic Party’s Commissioner Yoon Geon-Young (front row, left) and committee members are visiting the Korean National Police Agency in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul to protest against the egg-throwing incident involving Representative Baek Hye-ryun in front of the Constitutional Court. /Courtesy of Yonhap News

In relation to the incident where an egg was thrown by someone during a press conference by Democratic Party lawmakers on the 20th, the police apologized to the party and stated they would thoroughly control the area near the Constitutional Court.

Democratic Party lawmakers belonging to the National Assembly's Administrative Safety Committee visited the Korean National Police Agency in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, in the afternoon and met with Acting Commissioner Lee Ho-young.

Shin Jeong-hoon, the chairman of the Administrative Safety Committee, noted after the meeting that he had focused on whether the incident was due to lax security measures against YouTubers and protesters in front of the Constitutional Court. Democratic Party lawmakers stated that the egg throw at Representative Baek Hye-ryun was an act of violence and intimidation against the Constitutional Court, adding that they could not prevent it despite it being anticipated a few days prior. They also reportedly requested the removal of tents next to the main gate of the Constitutional Court where supporters of President Yoon are staging a sit-in.

In response to the demands of the Democratic Party, police leadership expressed regret over the unfortunate incident, saying, "We have done our best, but we are sorry that this happened," and stated they would use barriers to thoroughly control the passage of extreme right-wing YouTubers in front of the Constitutional Court and prevent acts of intimidation aimed at it, according to Representative Yoon Geon-young.

However, the police reportedly stated that the administrative enforcement from Jongno-gu Office in Seoul must be implemented for the tents next to the main gate of the Constitutional Court before police mobilization can be possible.

Democratic Party lawmakers demanded immediate action, stating that it is necessary to eradicate illegal activities before addressing the relevant provisions, while the police indicated that they would complete legal review on the illegal tent by today and report their action plan.

Around 9 a.m. that day, about 10 members of the Democratic Party's floor leadership held a press conference in front of the Constitutional Court, calling for the swift dismissal of President Yoon Suk-yeol. During the conference, representative Baek Hye-ryun was hit in the face by a flying egg from across the sidewalk. Reports indicate that the police were unable to secure the suspect who threw the egg at the scene and are tracking them with a dedicated investigation team.