Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Lee Joo-ho. /Courtesy of News1

Vice Minister of Social Affairs and Minister of Education Lee Ju-ho said on the 14th, “The results of the 2024 private educational expenses survey for primary and secondary schools did not meet the expectations and standards of the people.” The total amount of private educational expenses for primary and secondary schools last year, released by the Ministry of Education the previous day, was 29.2 trillion won, marking a record high for four consecutive years.

The vice minister added during a meeting with provincial education superintendents held at the government Seoul building, “As the Minister of Education, I feel a deep sense of responsibility,” he stated.

He said, “We will expand EBS content and solidify the system, strengthening tailored support based on academic achievement levels.” He noted, “We will actively push forward tasks that will be fully implemented starting in 2025 to realize customized education for students and bring about changes in the classroom, thereby enhancing the effects of reducing private education costs.”

The vice minister also said, “We will continuously bridge the gap between kindergartens and childcare centers so that people on the ground can feel the integration of this system, and learning tailored to each student’s level and pace will be achieved through AI (artificial intelligence) digital textbooks.” He added, “We will support students' ability to take various subjects in accordance with their career paths and aptitudes, regardless of regional or school conditions, through the high school credit system.”

He also announced new policies to reduce private education costs. The vice minister stated, “We will newly operate self-directed learning support centers so that middle and high school students in local small cities or regions with poor learning conditions can study independently,” adding, “We will also expand incentives such as financial support for excellent educational offices that reduce education costs.”