A, the leader of a cyber sexual violence crime group self-styled as ‘vigilante group’ that produced and distributed sexual exploitation materials using Telegram, is being transferred to the prosecution at the Seongdong Police Station in Seongdong-gu, Seoul, on Oct. 24. /Courtesy of Yonhap News Agency

It has been reported that the leader of an organization accused of sexually exploiting 234 men and women over approximately five years on the social media platform Telegram has taken legal action in response to a police decision to disclose his personal information.

On the 5th, according to the police, a man, identified as A (33), who claimed to be a "pastor" and is suspected of being the leader of a sexual exploitation crime group called "vigilante group," filed a request for an injunction against the disclosure of personal information at the Seoul Administrative Court on the 24th of last month. He also initiated an administrative lawsuit seeking to cancel the personal information disclosure.

The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency held a personal information disclosure review committee on the 22nd of last month and decided to disclose A's ▲name ▲age ▲photo, considering the brutality of the criminal means and the seriousness of the damage. After A filed an objection to this decision, the police decided to disclose A's personal information after a grace period of more than five days in accordance with the Serious Crime Personal Information Disclosure Act, during which time A has initiated legal action.

If the request for an injunction filed by A is accepted, the disclosure of personal information will be temporarily suspended until the judgment on the main lawsuit is issued. If the request for an injunction is dismissed, the police may disclose A's personal information. The court is expected to decide on the injunction as early as this week.

According to the police, A formed the vigilante group in May 2020 and is accused of producing sexual exploitation materials or committing sexual assaults through threats and psychological domination against 234 male and female victims until January of this year. Among the victims, 159 were minors in their teens.