Yonsei University sent a notice of impending expulsion to medical students who did not register by the deadline. Following this, Korea University and CHA University also sent notices of impending expulsion. Kyungpook National University announced its expulsion policy; therefore, it did not send notices, but it remains firm in its stance to expel unregistered medical students.
According to each university on the 24th, Yonsei University and Korea University sent notices of pending expulsion to their unregistered medical students.
Yonsei University reportedly sent notices to 398 out of 881 unregistered medical students. Korea University is estimated to have around 30%. CHA University is also reported to have sent expulsion notices, but the specific scale has not been confirmed.
The Ministry of Education stated that if all medical students return by the end of this month, it will revert the medical student enrollment number for the 2026 academic year to the pre-expansion figure of 3,058. The government's position is that "all" refers not to the total return of unregistered medical students, but to a level of students sufficient for normal medical education to proceed.
Kim Hong-soon, the Ministry of Education's medical education support officer, met with reporters that morning and noted, "The universities have not yet received the numbers," adding that "it is not significantly different from the unregistered rate figure heard on the 21st."
He also said, "Last year's flexibility in medical school academic policies and approval of medical student leaves of absence were measures to protect students," and added, "Currently, students need to return for education to be possible, and it is difficult to apply differently from other colleges."
With these universities leading the way, the deadline for medical students' return is approaching. Konyang University and Jeonnam National University will close the return applications for medical students today. Jeju National University was scheduled to close its return applications today but postponed it to the 27th.