SK hynix DRAM is going to space.
The Korea Aerospace Administration and Korea Aerospace Research Institute announced the results of the selection process for the satellite payload for the space verification satellite No. 2 on the 13th. Starting from 2024 and continuing through 2027, the space administration will invest 12 billion won over four years to support the space verification of domestic electrical and electronic component-level parts and semiconductors through the domestic component and parts space verification support project.
This is a project to develop a verification platform based on CubeSats to test how components or parts made by domestic corporations operate in a space environment. The payload of the space verification satellite No. 1 will be launched at the end of this year on the Nuri vehicle's fourth launch and will conduct space verification. The newly selected payload of No. 2 will be launched on the fifth Nuri vehicle next year.
The payload of the space verification satellite No. 2 includes SK hynix's DRAM and UFS, Insera Solution's high-speed and precision adjustment mirror, Momentum Space's reaction wheel, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology's attitude determination and system module, Cosmob's class 1A hollow cathode for electric thrusters, and Intergravity Technologies' orbital transport vehicle avionics equipment testbed.
SK hynix plans to confirm the impact of particles and radiation on memory devices in the space environment.
Hanchang, director of the Korea Aerospace Administration's aerospace industry office, noted, "Through this project, the space verification and securing of space history for components and parts developed domestically will enhance technological competitiveness and self-reliance, and eventually have a positive impact on the market development of domestic components and parts." He said that they will continue to do their best for the growth and advancement of the space industry.