SK bioscience has announced on the 25th that it has begun international clinical trials (phase 1/2) for the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA)-based Japanese encephalitis vaccine candidate 'GBP560'. This research is part of the 'Next Pandemic Preparedness 100-Day Mission' project carried out in collaboration with an international organization. The 100-Day Mission aims to rapidly develop and mass-produce a vaccine when an unknown infectious disease is prevalent, allowing for a response within 100 days. GBP560 is the first mRNA vaccine being developed by SK bioscience. The vaccine's preventive effect and safety will be evaluated in 402 healthy adults in Australia and New Zealand. Intermediate results are expected to be available next year.
Hanmi Pharmaceutical has announced on the 25th that it has launched its spray-type cold medicine product 'Co&Cool S Nasal Spray (Co&Cool S)'. Co&Cool S is an over-the-counter medicine that helps relieve symptoms of cold and allergic rhinitis, such as nasal congestion, runny nose, and sneezing. Compared to the existing product, Co&Cool, the minimum age for use has been lowered to 7 years. Additionally, a special pump has been applied to prevent bacteria from entering from the outside, allowing the drug particles to reach the inside of the nasal mucosa.
Takeda Korea has announced on the 25th that it has hosted the 'Angel Spoon Day' event for patients with rare and intractable diseases and their families. This event took place at Lotte World in Songpa, Seoul, with the participation of 10 families with patients suffering from biliary atresia. Attending families enjoyed rides and group performances together with employee volunteers from Takeda Korea. Angel Spoon Day is a social contribution activity aimed at providing psychological stability and vitality to families of patients with rare and intractable diseases, marking its third year this time.
Yuhan Corporation has announced on the 25th that it has ranked first in the pharmaceutical sector for 22 consecutive years in the '2025 Most Admired Companies in Korea' selected by the Korea Management Association. Yuhan Corporation has never missed first place since the awards began. The survey of the most admired companies started in 2004, aiming to present desirable models of corporate management and enhance the competitiveness of Korean industries.
FutureChem has announced on the 25th that it has completed patient administration in its phase 3 clinical trial for the prostate cancer diagnostic radiopharmaceutical 'ProstaView (FC303)'. This clinical trial is conducted to verify the safety and efficacy of ProstaView. ProstaView is a diagnostic medication created by combining a fluorine isotope with the protein 'PSMA' that binds to prostate cancer. It is specialized for finding microscopic prostate cancer and metastatic cancer cells during positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT).
Konkuk University Hospital has announced on the 25th that it will hold a health lecture on 'Hearing Loss and Hearing Aid Usage' at the main auditorium of its Gwangjin campus in Seoul at 2 p.m. on the 10th of next month. The lecture will be led by Professor Shin Jeong-eun from the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, and anyone can attend for free without prior registration.
Konkuk University Hospital has announced on the 25th that a research team led by Professor Yoon Ik-jin received the Best Poster Award at the '2025 Korean Society of Laboratory Animal Science Winter Symposium' held in Pyeongchang, Gangwon Province on the 7th. The researchers introduced that after heterotopic heart transplantation in pigs and monkeys, a survival period of more than six months was confirmed, making it possible to expand to human clinical trials. Additionally, the research team gained attention for introducing the development achievements of immunosuppressants for heterotopic organ transplantation clinical trials.
Hallym University Medical Center has announced on the 25th that Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital, and Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital have received a grade 1 rating in the '2023 Hemodialysis Appropriateness Assessment' announced by the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service. Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital and Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital achieved a perfect score, ranking first in the country. This assessment was conducted from January to June 2023, targeting 1,153 medical institutions above the level of outpatient clinics, evaluating six indicators, including the quality of physician workforce, quality of nursing workforce, and appropriateness of hemodialysis.
Gachon University Gil Medical Center has announced on the 25th that it has held a 'Medical Cooperation Meeting' to succeed in the structural transformation project of advanced general hospitals involving upper general hospitals in Incheon. About ten hospital executives, including those from Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, and Inha University Hospital, attended the meeting. The government has been implementing a project since the second half of last year to transition advanced general hospitals into a structure focused on severe and emergency care. Participating hospitals discussed cooperative measures to effectively establish this project while sharing treatment capabilities for severe and emergency patients.
Asan Social Welfare Foundation has announced on the 25th that it held a scholarship certificate award ceremony at the auditorium of Asan Institute of Life Sciences in Songpa, Seoul. The foundation provided scholarships totaling 3.9 billion won to 499 students, including 88 graduate students and 411 undergraduate students. Graduate students in the field of medical life sciences receive between 20 million and 40 million won annually, while 10 graduate students in the field of health and medical policy receive 10 million won annually. Undergraduate scholarship recipients are selected as 'undergraduate students in the field of medical life sciences', 'North Korean defectors scholarship students', 'students in regional industry-academic cooperation', as well as 'MIU (Men In Uniform) children scholarship students' to encourage those serving the nation in military, police, firefighting, and marine police. Since its establishment in 1977, the Asan Foundation has continuously carried out scholarship programs. To date, over 37,000 students have received 87.2 billion won in scholarships.
The National Institute of Health under the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency has announced on the 25th that it held an 'Expert Meeting on Infectious Disease Antibody Development' to discuss the current status of infectious disease antibody development and the utilization of next-generation technologies in preparation for pandemic situations. The meeting addressed the development status of infectious disease antibody therapeutics at the National Infectious Disease Research Institute, as well as private corporations' artificial intelligence (AI)-based virus antigen discovery and mRNA-based therapeutic antibody development.
The National Health Insurance Service has announced on the 25th that it has begun recruiting new employees. The recruitment scale is a total of 448 people, with 270 people in administration, 50 in health, 113 in nursing, 14 in information technology, and 1 in engineering. The number of hires will be allocated according to the recruitment region. The scale of high school graduate recruitment is 40 people, and the recruitment is categorized by limited competition for disabled persons, veterans, and talents from Gangwon Province. Applications can be submitted through the recruitment website from today until the 6th of next month.
The Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service has announced on the 25th that it will simplify the submission materials for medical expense audits starting from the 1st of next month. The submitted material for the audit is data that the service evaluates regarding the appropriateness of medical expenses claimed by medical institutions. The medical community has demanded simplification, stating that the required submission materials amount to 430 items. Since the second half of last year, the service has reduced and consolidated the requested materials list through discussions with medical experts, streamlining the 'audit submission materials list' to include 221 required items.
■SK바이오사이언스(302440)는 메신저 리보핵산(mRNA) 기반 일본뇌염 백신 후보물질 ‘GBP560’의 국제 임상시험 1/2상을 시작했다고 25일 밝혔다. 이번 연구는 SK바이오사이언스와 국제기구가 함께 수행하는 ‘넥스트 팬데믹 대비 100일 미션’ 프로젝트로 진행된다. 100일 미션은 미지의 감염병이 유행했을 때 빠르게 백신을 개발하고 대량 생산을 해 100일 내로 감염병에 대응하는 것이 목표다. GBP560은 SK바이오사이언스가 개발하는 최초의 mRNA 백신이다. 호주와 뉴질랜드에서 건강한 성인 402명을 대상으로 일본뇌염 예방 효과와 안전성을 평가한다. 중간 결과는 내년 나올 것으로 보인다.
■한미약품(128940)은 분사형 코감기약 신제품 ‘코앤쿨에스나잘스프레이(코앤쿨S)’를 출시했다고 25일 밝혔다. 코앤쿨S는 코막힘, 콧물, 재채기 등 코감기와 알레르기성 비염 증상 완화에 도움을 주는 일반의약품이다. 기존 제품인 코앤쿨과 비교해 사용 연령이 7세로 낮아졌다. 이 외에도 특수펌프를 적용해 외부에서 세균 유입을 막아주며, 약물 입자가 코점막 안쪽까지 도달할 수 있게 했다.
■한국다케다제약은 희귀·난치성 질환 환자와 가족들을 위한 ‘엔젤스푼데이’ 행사를 개최했다고 25일 밝혔다. 이번 행사는 담도폐쇄증 환자가 있는 가정 10곳이 참여해 서울 송파 롯데월드에서 진행됐다. 행사에 참석한 가족들은 한국다케다제약 직원 봉사자와 함께 팀을 이뤄 놀이기구 탑승, 단체공연 관람 등을 함께 즐겼다. 엔젤스푼데이는 희귀·난치성 환자 가정의 심리적 안정과 활력을 제공하기 위한 사회공헌 활동으로 시작돼 올해로 3회차를 맞았다.
■유한양행(000100)은 한국능률협회가 선정하는 ‘2025 한국에서 가장 존경받는 기업’에서 22년 연속으로 제약 부문 1위를 기록했다고 25일 밝혔다. 유한양행은 가장 존경받는 기업 시상이 시작된 이후 1위를 한 번도 놓치지 않았다. 가장 존경받는 기업 조사는 능률협회가 기업 경영의 바람직한 모델을 제시하고 한국 산업의 경쟁력을 높이기 위해 2004년 시작했다.
■건국대병원은 다음 달 10일 오후 2시 서울 광진 본원 대강당에서 ‘난청과 보청기 착용’을 주제로 건강 강좌를 개최한다고 25일 밝혔다. 강연은 신정은 이비인후-두경부외과 교수가 맡으며, 별도의 신청 없이 누구나 무료로 참석할 수 있다.
■건국대병원은 윤익진 외과 교수가 이끄는 연구진이 지난 7일 강원 평창에서 열린 ‘2025 한국실험동물학회 동계심포지엄’에서 우수 포스터 상을 받았다고 25일 밝혔다. 연구진은 돼지와 원숭이 간 이종 심장이식 후 생존 기간이 6개월 이상으로 확인돼 인간 대상 임상시험으로 확대할 수 있다는 내용을 소개해 우수한 평가를 받았다. 또 이종장기이식 임상시험을 위한 면역억제제 개발 성과도 소개해 주목을 받았다.
■질병관리청 산하 국립보건연구원은 25일 ‘감염병 항체 개발 전문가 간담회’를 열고 감염병 대유행(팬데믹) 대비 항체 개발 현황과 차세대 기술 활용을 주제로 의논했다고 밝혔다. 이번 회의는 국립감염병연구소의 감염병 항체치료제 개발연구 현황과 민간 기업의 인공지능(AI) 기반 바이러스 항원 발굴, 메신저 리보핵산(mRNA) 기반 치료용 항체 개발 등을 논의했다.
■건강보험공단은 신규직원 채용을 시작했다고 25일 밝혔다. 채용 규모는 총 448명으로, 직렬별로는 행정 270명, 건강 50명, 요양 113명, 전산 14명, 기술 1명이다. 모집 권역에 따라 채용인원을 배정해 선발한다. 고졸 채용 규모는 40명이며, 장애·보훈·강원인재 제한경쟁으로 구분해 모집한다. 입사지원서는 이날부터 다음 달 6일까지 채용 홈페이지를 통해 지원서를 제출할 수 있다.
■건강보험심사평가원은 진료비 심사 제출 자료를 다음 달 1일부터 간소화한다고 25일 밝혔다. 심사 제출 자료는 심평원이 요양기관에서 청구한 요양급여 비용의 적정성을 평가하는 자료다. 의료계는 필수 제출 자료가 430개에 달한다며 자료 간소화를 요구해왔다. 심평원은 지난해 하반기부터 의료계 전문가들과 논의를 거쳐 요청 자료 목록을 축소, 통폐합해 ‘심사 제출자료 목록’을 정비해 필수 제출 자료를 221개 항목으로 축소했다.