The chicken franchise Genesis BBQ Group announced on the 24th that it operated a specialized brand zone called "BBQ Zone" at the 'Shinhan SOL Pay 24-25 Handball H League' games held at the Seoul Olympic Park Handball Stadium since the 21st.

Through a sponsorship agreement with the Korea Handball Federation, BBQ installed the "BBQ Zone" on the first floor of the stadium during the H League games held in Seoul. The BBQ Zone, which opened on the 21st, provided BBQ gift certificates to spectators who purchased that seating.

BBQ presents the 'BBQ Zone' at the H League match held at the Seoul Olympic Park Handball Stadium. /Courtesy of BBQ

Transfer, BBQ has continued its support for marginalized sports like university volleyball, youth golf, and ice sports. Through its sponsorship of the H League, it supports the expansion of handball’s base.

The BBQ Zone will continue to operate during the H League men's and women's games from February 28 to March 3 and from April 11 to 13 in Seoul.

A BBQ representative said, "We will strive to ensure that BBQ becomes a leading brand in 'K-food' and that sports, including handball, can activate 'K-culture.'"