Lotte Tour Development successfully turned a profit last year due to an increase in visitors to the Jeju Dream Tower and its strategy for popular premium travel products.

According to the Financial Supervisory Service on the 13th, Lotte Tour Development recorded sales of 471.5 billion won and operating profit of 39.2 billion won last year. Sales increased by 50.4% compared to the previous year, and operating profit turned into profit.

Jeju Dream Tower Complex Resort. /Courtesy of Lotte Tour Development

During this period, the net loss was 114.3 billion won, improving by 43.5% (88 billion won) compared to the previous year (net loss of 202.3 billion won).

Lotte Tour Development noted, "Our performance improved due to a differentiated strategy, including an increase in customers at the Jeju Dream Tower complex resort, driven by rising global recognition and the development of high-quality travel products," adding, "The success of turning operating profit positive was also due to balanced sales growth in the casino, hotel, and travel institutional sectors (a growth of 50.4% compared to the previous year)."