Campari Korea announced on the 31st that it has released the Scotch whiskey brand The Glen Grant 10 Year and 12 Year as the Eulsa Year Edition to welcome the Year of the Blue Snake.

This limited edition features a bottle stopper shaped like a snake, symbolizing abundance and wisdom since ancient times.

The Glen Grant is a brand that reflects inspiration from the nature of Scotland and pursues 'elegance by nature.' Unlike other whiskey brands that have their bottling and packaging done elsewhere, it completes all processes in its own bottling and packaging facilities at the Speyside distillery in Scotland.

Campari Korea launches 2 limited edition Scotch whisky The Glen Grant for the year of the Eulsa Treaty. /Courtesy of Campari Korea

Surrounding the distillery is a Victorian garden covering 30,000 pyeong. Campari Korea noted that the combination of paths filled with the flowing Back Burn river and the distillery earned Glen Grant the evaluation of being 'the world's cleanest and most elegant tasting single malt whiskey.'

This limited edition was made to commemorate the Eulsa Year, featuring the representative 10 Year and 12 Year of The Glen Grant. Both are sold exclusively through convenience store channels such as GS25 and 7-Eleven, each in 700㎖ bottles.

A representative from Campari Korea said, "Like a snake shedding its skin and moving toward a new beginning, this year’s edition embodies the hope for a new leap forward," and added, "We hope this premium whiskey, infused with the spirit of the wise and transformative blue snake of the Eulsa Year, creates golden opportunities."