Heo Yoon-hong, CEO of GS Engineering and Construction, has been elected as a director of the Korea Housing Association. According to the Korea Housing Association on the 24th, the association held its 33rd regular general meeting on this day and passed the proposal to elect Heo as a director. At the regular general meeting, the association reported on business performance and settlement of account for revenues and expenditures, and also approved the business plan and budget for this year.

Huh Yoon-hong, CEO of GS Engineering and Construction, presents the new Xi brand identity (BI) and logo at the Xi Reignite event held on Nov. 18, 2024, at the Xi Gallery in Gangnam-gu, Seoul. /Courtesy of GS Engineering and Construction

It is the first time that GS Engineering and Construction has participated in the board of directors of the Korea Housing Association since August 2013. The board is composed around Chairman Yoon Young-jun, who serves as an advisor to Hyundai E&C. Oh Se-cheol, CEO of Samsung C&T, is the senior vice chairman, while Choi Moon-kyu, CEO of Hanshin Engineering & Construction, and Choi Ik-hoon, CEO of HDC Hyundai Development Company, are among three vice chairmen. The existing directors include Park Sang-shin, CEO of DL E&C, and Kim Bo-hyun, CEO of Daewoo E&C, among 16 others.

Heo was appointed as the CEO of GS Engineering and Construction in 2023. In November of last year, he introduced the new brand identity of Xi and changed the logo.