On Nov. 11, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy will hold a joint results briefing on the 'Establishment of Factory License Pre-Diagnosis Service.'

A view of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport at the Government Sejong Headquarters. /Courtesy of News1

During the results briefing, the organizations plan to announce the start of the pilot service and conduct on-site meetings to listen to various voices from corporations and local governments regarding the future expansion and direction of the service.

The factory license pre-diagnosis service dramatically improves the complex factory establishment civil service of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy by utilizing the digital twin land platform of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport explained that this is a case of maximizing synergy through interdepartmental collaboration.

When an applicant specifies the type of industry and the desired location for the factory they wish to establish, all potential candidate sites will be derived and displayed. To achieve this, a comprehensive factory integrated big data database has been established, systematically analyzing the factory licensing procedures by linking relevant laws (over 80 types) such as the Industrial Complex Act, the National Land Planning Act (Urban Planning), and the Water Supply Act (Environment) with the categorization of industrial sites (over 1,000).

Based on the established big data, not only can candidates for site selection be derived, but also ▲business complex unsold information ▲distribution of factory locations by similar industries ▲guidelines for environmental regulations such as air, water, and noise can all be confirmed, providing comprehensive information needed for factory establishment.

If a desired location is selected among the candidates and pre-diagnosed, it converts into the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport's digital twin land platform and allows for various calculations that applicants might overlook based on spatial information (2D and 3D), including ▲estimation of various expenses such as development charges and agricultural land preservation fees ▲virtual land subdivision considering urban planning zones and building lines ▲and calculating the maximum building area within permitted limits considering building coverage ratio and floor area ratio.

An official from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy noted, "The goal is to help corporations resolve issues of information deficiency and administrative complexity faced during the factory establishment process and to support them in selecting the optimal site more quickly and accurately. We plan to develop an AI-based customized site recommendation feature in this year's additional enhancement project, so we request continuous interest and support to ensure a phased expansion to local governments nationwide."

An official from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport stated, "The factory license pre-diagnosis service is the first case where we utilized our digital twin know-how and essential information for licensing reviews in land and construction to promote innovation in civil service administration in collaboration with other ministries. We will actively support this service to ensure it stabilizes in civil service fields and lead the way in improving convenience for the public in other licensing areas in the future."