Prime Minister Han Deok-soo returns to his duties after the impeachment motion is dismissed by the Constitutional Court, commuting to the Seoul Government Complex in Jongno-gu on the morning of Nov. 24. /Courtesy of News1

Prime Minister Han Duck-soo, who is acting president, declared Gyeongsangnam-do Sancheong, Gyeongsangbuk-do Uiseong, and Ulsan Ulju as special disaster areas shortly after the impeachment motion against him was dismissed at the Constitutional Court on the morning of the 24th.

Acting Prime Minister Han arrived at the Government Seoul Building around 10:21 a.m. that day and visited the Seoul Situation Center at the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters on the first floor, where he made this statement.

Acting Prime Minister Han received reports on the forest fire extinguishing situation from the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, the Korea Forest Service, and the Fire Department, and noted, "We must establish an organic cooperation system among agencies and respond comprehensively as a government until the forest fire is completely extinguished."

He added, "In addition to the already declared special disaster area of Gyeongsangnam-do Sancheong, Uiseong in Gyeongsangbuk-do and Ulsan Ulju will also be swiftly declared as special disaster areas, and we will spare no support to help residents in the affected areas return to their normal lives as soon as possible."

The Prime Minister's office plans to hold a meeting of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters soon to address the agenda of additional special disaster area declarations.

Acting Prime Minister Han emphasized the importance of preventing casualties that could occur during the forest fire extinguishing process, saying, "It is crucial to ensure the safety of the forest fire extinguishing personnel, and I ask field commanders to make further efforts in this regard."