The ruling party's presidential hopefuls have entered a phase of 'catching their breath' as they face a week that will determine the fate of the political landscape. With the judiciary's ruling this week potentially determining not only the timing of a snap presidential election but also the shape of the next presidential race, they appear to be adjusting their moves and messages with heightened sensitivity.

Minister Kim Mun-soo of the Ministry of Employment and Labor attends the opening ceremony of the 2025 Korea Job Fair held at the aT Center in Seocho-gu, Seoul, on Nov. 19 and makes the opening declaration of the fair. /Courtesy of Presidential Office Photographers Group

According to political and legal circles on the 23rd, a ruling on the impeachment trial of Prime Minister Han Duck-soo is set to be announced on the 24th, followed by a decision on the appeal of Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party, for violating the Public Official Election Act on the 26th. Additionally, there is a possibility that a ruling on President Yoon Seok-youl's impeachment trial may occur on the 28th.

Currently, Minister of Employment and Labor Kim Moon-soo, who holds the title of 'top approval rating' within the ruling party, is reported to only be managing official schedules related to departmental work this week. Minister Kim has received strong support from conservative factions. However, since President Yoon's release, he has not delivered any notable political messages and has remained focused on his ministerial duties.

Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon and Daegu Mayor Hong Joon-pyo are also set to manage only their schedules related to city governance policy and fieldwork. Mayor Oh has acknowledged his policy failures by reversing decisions on the land transaction permission system and has reportedly maintained a low profile following a recent search by prosecutors concerning the Myung-taek-kyun risk. It is known that he has not scheduled any separate events related to his upcoming book 'It's Growth Again,' which will be published on the 24th.

Mayor Oh Se-hoon of Seoul states his position regarding the prosecution's search and seizure conducted today in front of the mayor's office at Seoul City Hall on Nov. 20. (Joint Coverage) /Courtesy of News1

Mayor Hong has also delayed the publication of his book 'Dreams Come True' until after the ruling on President Yoon's impeachment trial. Recently, he said regarding the National Pension reform bill that was passed in the National Assembly after a bipartisan agreement, 'Let's accept it for now and begin structural reforms,' but later withdrew his statement due to backlash from the 2030 demographic.

Former Representative Han and former lawmaker Yoo Seung-min may consider movements related to veteran and security issues ahead of the 'West Sea Defense Day' on the 28th, but their actions are likely to be fluid depending on the schedule of President Yoon's impeachment trial ruling. Former Representative Han has not scheduled any additional events since the book concert held in Seoul on the 5th and in Busan on the 10th.

Lawmaker Ahn Cheol-soo has not scheduled any external events this week. However, he has consistently issued messages highlighting the 'judicial risk' of Democratic Party leader Lee. During a press conference at the National Assembly, Ahn stated, 'He is already a criminal with four prior convictions and is facing 12 criminal charges,' adding, 'Running for president with a legal judgment still pending contradicts the fundamental spirit of democracy. It's time to stop and retire from politics.'

Former People Power Party leader Han Dong-hoon speaks at the Kyungpook National University youth talk show themed 'Let's Change the Era, Constitutional Amendment' held at Kyungpook National University in Buk-gu, Daegu, on Nov. 18 in the afternoon. /Courtesy of News1

Their paths to the presidency are directly tied to the outcome of President Yoon's ruling. If the Constitutional Court dismisses or rejects the case, President Yoon can return immediately, which would inevitably halt their progress.

If President Yoon is removed from office, it would lead to a situation of 'snap presidential elections,' but it is expected that there will be hesitation in launching a presidential campaign immediately. For those who need to pass the internal party primary, rushing could lead to severe backlash from their supportive base. Therefore, they are likely to lower their profiles for the time being and align with the party's pace while observing the political situation.