Kim Sun, a former administrative officer of the Digital Communication Center at the Blue House during the Moon Jae-in administration, has left the Democratic Party of Korea due to comments made by representative Lee Jae-myung.

Former Blue House New Media Secretary Kim Sun's brunch capture.

The former administrative officer noted on his X (formerly Twitter) account on the 19th, “The day when the comments from Representative Lee on the Maebulshow were made, I felt as if my head was on fire from the crazy malice and lies, and I stayed up all night.”

Representative Lee said on the 5th during an appearance on the YouTube program Maebulshow regarding the passage of the motion for his arrest in the 21st National Assembly, “Matching what happened in the investigation process by the prosecution and the party's internal movements at that time, it seems that some within the party (and the prosecution) coordinated everything.”

The former administrative officer mentioned, “I had no lingering attachment and thought perhaps, just perhaps, it might be needed later, so I maintained my party affiliation,” adding, “When asked to specify my reason for leaving, I wrote, ‘I don’t even want to contribute 1,000 won a month to the sins and lies of Lee Jae-myung.’”