President Yoon Suk-yeol enters the Constitutional Court's main chamber in Jongno-gu, Seoul, on the 4th, where the 5th hearing of the impeachment trial is held. /Courtesy of News1 Photo Joint Coverage Group

A survey showed that 58% of respondents supported the impeachment of President Yoon Suk-yeol, while 36% opposed it, with results released on 21st.

The survey, conducted by the polling company Korean Gallup among 1,003 individuals aged 18 and older from 18th to 20th, recorded these findings regarding President Yoon's impeachment. Six percent of respondents answered 'don't know' or declined to respond.

Compared to the previous survey conducted from March 11th to 13th, the percentage of those supporting impeachment remained the same, but opposition decreased by 1 percentage point.

By age group, support for impeachment surpassed opposition in all age groups except for those over 70. Among those aged 18 to 29, support was 56% and opposition was 25%; among those in their 30s, support was 64% and opposition was 30%; among those in their 40s, support was 74% and opposition was 23%; among those in their 50s, support was 64% and opposition was 35%; among those in their 60s, support was 49% and opposition was 46%; and among those over 70, support was 34% and opposition was 59%.

By region, support in Seoul was 60% and opposition 34%; in Incheon and Gyeonggi, support was 60% and opposition 35%; in Daejeon, Sejong, and Chungcheong, support was 51% and opposition 40%; in Gwangju and Jeolla, support was 87% and opposition 9%; in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do, support was 45% and opposition 52%; and in Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam, support was 48% and opposition 42%.

By political party support, the Democratic Party of Korea had 96% in favor and 3% against, the People Power Party had 13% in favor and 85% against, and the nonpartisan group had 51% in favor and 22% against.

This survey was conducted using the computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) method, randomly selecting wireless telephone numbers provided by three mobile carriers. Out of 7,670 individuals contacted, 1,003 completed the survey, resulting in a response rate of 13.1%, and a sampling error of ±3.1 percentage points at a 95% confidence level.

For detailed information, please refer to the website of the Central Election Survey Deliberation Commission.