South Korea Refresh Forum. /Courtesy of the organizers

Experts from various fields, including former National Assembly members, held a meeting to explore the direction after President Yoon Suk-yeol's impeachment.

According to political circles on the 23rd, a forum titled 'South Korea Refresh Project - The Path Forward for South Korea After Impeachment' was held on the afternoon of the 22nd at the National Assembly Member's Office Building. The forum was co-hosted by 'Re-establishing Political Parties' and 'Youth National Assembly for Correct Voices', with the office of Democratic Party lawmaker Jeon Yong-gi as the organizer.

This forum was designed to reflect on the chaos after former President Park Geun-hye's impeachment and to seek a way forward after President Yoon's impeachment.

Experts from four major fields—economy, security, media, and politics—attended as panelists to discuss future directions. Former Saenuri Party lawmaker Kim Yong-nam (economy), former Justice Party lawmaker Kim Jong-dae (security), former anchor Park Young-sik (media), and lawyer Shin In-kyu (politics) participated as experts.

Former lawmaker Kim Yong-nam said, "It is essential to realize shareholder democracy for the advancement of the stock market, which excludes minority shareholders." Former lawmaker Kim Jong-dae emphasized the need to completely reform the factional military organization revealed through the illegal martial law of the overly powerful president, stating, "We must restore it to a military composed of security expertise."

In addition, former anchor Park Young-sik proposed media reform based on citizen journalism, while lawyer Shin In-kyu presented a vision for a super-innovative political party based on citizen sovereignty.