The People Power Party emphasized on the 19th that the Semiconductor Special Act should include a clause for the "high-income workers’ exception to the 52-hour workweek" and be processed within this month. As the ruling and opposition parties clash over this issue, they are putting pressure on the opposition party through the voices from the field as the processing of the Semiconductor Special Act faces difficulties.

Kweon Seong-dong, the floor leader of the People Power Party, is holding an on-site meeting on discussing ways to overcome the semiconductor industry crisis at Telechips, a vehicle integrated semiconductor corporation in Pangyo, Seongnam, on Nov. 19. /Courtesy of Yonhap News Agency

Kweon Seong-dong, the floor leader, and Kim Sang-hoon, the policy committee chairman, visited a semiconductor corporation in Pangyo, Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, that afternoon to hold a field meeting.

At the meeting, the party leadership stressed that the exemption provision for the 52-hour workweek for research and development personnel in the semiconductor industry must be included in the Semiconductor Special Act to overcome the crisis in the semiconductor industry.

Kweon, the floor leader, said, "The semiconductor industry is already being called a silent war between nations, with an all-out war being waged. Investments worth trillions of won are no longer a novelty. We need to prepare extraordinary support measures for you, who are struggling at the forefront of semiconductor competition, and I feel embarrassed that we have not done so."

He continued, "The key to the Semiconductor Special Act is to nurture excellent talent and create an environment where they can demonstrate their capabilities. That is why the special exception provisions for working hours must be included. This is an essential condition for the Semiconductor Special Act to truly be a 'special law.'"

He mentioned the flexible work system in the semiconductor industries of competitor nations, saying, "Do these countries really lack awareness of worker protection? Rather, they have ensured a flexible working environment by reflecting the voices from the field."

Kweon criticized the Democratic Party's demand to prioritize processing the Semiconductor Special Act without the "52-hour workweek exception clause" by saying, "It is an armchair opinion that does not understand the global situation or listen to the voices from the field. It is like serving only pickled radish to someone who ordered sweet and sour pork."

He urged for bipartisan cooperation, saying, "Please ensure that the Semiconductor Special Act passes in its original form by February."

On the 17th, the ruling and opposition parties held discussions in the National Assembly's Industry, Trade, and Energy Committee on the Semiconductor Special Act but failed to reach an agreement. The People Power Party maintains that the "52-hour workweek exception" must be included in the Semiconductor Special Act. They argue that relaxing work hour regulations for research and development personnel in the semiconductor industry is essential to enhance competitiveness. In contrast, the Democratic Party suggests that since there are equity controversies with other industries, discussions should be conducted calmly through the Labor Standards Act, prioritizing matters where there is no discrepancy between the ruling and opposition parties, such as tax benefits and subsidies.