Daegu Mayor Hong Joon-pyo expressed on the 3rd, 'I just can't trust MBC.'
Mayor Hong noted on his Facebook that he found it shocking that MBC edited the special broadcast of 'Questions from Son Seok-hee' in such a biased way, questioning, 'How could they rebroadcast a live debate edited to be so one-sided?' and expressed 'strong regret' towards MBC.
'Questions from Son Seok-hee' was aired as a special feature by MBC on the 29th. The live broadcast was hosted by Son Seok-hee, featuring a discussion between Mayor Hong and writer Yoo Si-min. The edited version was rebroadcast for about an hour and a half on the afternoon of the 2nd.
Mayor Hong emphasized, '(In the edited version) over 20 minutes that were cut mostly included my explanations on why rebellion charges are not applicable, why the investigations and prosecutions by the prosecutor's office and the CIO are nonsensical, and why the court's arrest warrants are absurd; all of these were intentionally deleted and edited.'
He remarked, 'While there were no edits to what writer Yoo Si-min said, most of my important statements were edited out, and my comments aren't properly connected.' He also urged, 'When producing for YouTube, please do not distort the edits in a devilish way.'
Finally, he advised, 'Soon, an unedited video will be available on TV Hong Coca-Cola, where you can see content that was not included in the edited version. I hope you will watch the unedited version and assess the current political situation.'