Vice Minister Bom Kim of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. /Courtesy of Ministry of Strategy and Finance

Bom Kim, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, said on the 24th, “We will swiftly prepare and implement customized job support measures by industry and class, focusing on the job inspection team, and closely monitor execution outcomes to exceed the hiring goals for direct job creation projects.”

Vice Minister Bom Kim noted during a joint task force meeting on job creation chaired with Kim Min-seok, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, that “Last December, the number of employed decreased by 52,000, indicating that the worsening economic sentiment is visibly impacting employment, and the future employment conditions will also be challenging due to delays in domestic recovery.”

Vice Minister Bom Kim said, “Each ministry must approach job policy with greater vigilance than ever before, implementing it quickly and meticulously,” and urged that “the voices of corporations and job seekers should be collected to actively discover policy tasks that can genuinely help the public.”

Vice Minister Kim Min-seok stated, “Through consultations with related ministries, we have selected a total of 136 swift management targets for fiscal support job projects, amounting to 16.2 trillion won, and we will execute 43% by the first quarter, the highest level ever.”

He added, “To ensure the livelihood security of vulnerable job seekers, including the elderly, we are closely cooperating with related agencies to recruit over 790,000 participants, accounting for 64.5%, in the direct job creation project by January.”

He also mentioned, “We will identify as much hiring demand as possible in growing sectors such as information and communication, and we will establish supplementary measures by strengthening employment support in construction, which is facing employment deterioration,” and announced, “A large-scale job fair inviting excellent small and medium-sized enterprises and foreign companies will be held in March.”