Founder Ahn Cheol-soo is giving a welcome speech at the 30th anniversary ceremony of AhnLab on Nov. 14. /Courtesy of AhnLab

Cyber security company AhnLab has marked its 30th anniversary.

AhnLab noted that it held a 30th anniversary ceremony on the 14th at the Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center, attended by founder Ahn Cheol-soo, CEO Kang Seok-kyun, outside directors, employees, and others.

The ceremony on that day featured ▲ a welcome speech combined with reminisces by founder Ahn Cheol-soo ▲ a congratulatory address by the chairman of the board, Won Yoo-jae ▲ a commemorative speech by CEO Kang Seok-kyun ▲ a presentation of congratulatory videos from heads of affiliated organizations, academic society presidents, and AhnLab's former employees ▲ and a presentation of an AhnLab history video.

Founder Ahn Cheol-soo reflected on episodes prior to the establishment of AhnLab, sharing how he determined to become a physician-scientist while volunteering in medical services during his doctoral studies in medicine, how he began studying computers for that purpose, and his experience analyzing and creating a treatment program for 'Brain,' the world's first computer virus to enter the country. He also recounted a time when the company did not know if it would last, leading to a group photo being taken four years later, and shared the background of choosing the office site in Pangyo, which has a similar environment to Silicon Valley.

Founder Ahn Cheol-soo said, "When thinking in broad terms, the right direction will ultimately bear fruit. It is correct to always consider society, not just individuals or corporations, in a long-term view. Today, as we celebrate the 30th anniversary, I hope AhnLab becomes a 'top-tier corporation' that contributes to a society where we all live together."

CEO Kang Seok-kyun presented AhnLab's current situation and future direction. He stated, "AhnLab has established itself as a global integrated security corporation representing our country," adding, "We have not only achieved quantitative growth in sales, product quantity, and employee numbers but also recognized for our technological capabilities through international certifications and global awards, achieving qualitative growth."

Currently, AhnLab is pushing for global business expansion by establishing a joint venture, 'Lakin,' with Saudi Arabian security firm SITE.

CEO Kang noted, "Let's make AhnLab a 'world-class' corporation that can compete with anyone globally and leap to a company worth over 1 trillion won, exceeding sales of 300 billion won and 500 billion won."

Additionally, AhnLab conducted an opening event for the 'AhnLab History Hall' (located on the first floor of AhnLab headquarters), which allows a glimpse into the company's 30-year history, as well as a group photo session for all employees, which is a yearly event for AhnLab.

The AhnLab History Hall is designed to showcase various historical materials, including the company's history, major events in security history, AhnLab's achievements, behind-the-scenes stories, product release history, major certifications and award records, and early domestic and international software product packages.