Samsung Electronics announced on Nov. 13 that it achieved the highest number of awards by winning 5 prizes at the 2025 Consumer’s Choice Good Advertising Award. Models are looking around the 'Farewell to Housework,' which received the Minister's award from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism at the 2025 Consumer’s Choice Good Advertising Award. /Courtesy of Samsung Electronics

Samsung Electronics announced on the 13th that it set a record for the most awards by winning 5 prizes at the '2025 Consumer Selected Good Advertising Awards' hosted by the Korea Advertisers Association and the Korea Consumer Association.

Samsung Electronics received the Minister’s Award for 'Farewell to Housework Exhibition' (institutional sector for outdoor advertising). The exhibition humorously illustrated the change that AI appliances are replacing housework.

It also won awards for 'The Secret of BESPOKE AI Refrigerator' (institutional sector for digital), 'Voices of Galaxy' (institutional sector for digital), 'Wanting to Do Well' (institutional sector for print), and 'GO ULTRA Challenge' (institutional sector for digital).

Jang So-yeon, vice president and head of Samsung Electronics in Korea, said, “We are honored that the campaign intended to convey the value of our products and the changes in everyday life more authentically has won the most awards in 5 institutional sectors,” and noted, “We will continue to communicate through innovative brand campaigns in the future.”