The Personal Information Protection Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) announced on the 10th that it held a 'meeting with related academic societies' at the Seoul office of the Korea Intelligent Information Society Agency to share and discuss the '2025 direction of personal information policy' with the academic community.
This meeting was the second held following the personal information industry meeting on Mar. 6, chaired by Chairperson Koh Hak-soo, with the participation of eight representatives from related academic societies.
At the meeting, the Commission presented its main policy initiatives for 2025 to realize 'safe personal information and a trusted AI era.' In particular, it plans to promote the establishment of provisions for AI exceptions in the Personal Information Protection Act to allow the use of original data, based on appropriate safety measures, for the socially necessary development of AI, and outlined the introduction of rights for information subjects to request the deletion of synthetic content misused by deepfake technology, as well as measures for the prohibition and punishment of acts infringing on personality rights through personal information synthesis.
In response, representatives from related academic societies presented policy proposals, including ▲ establishing a balanced regulatory system between data utilization and personal information protection ▲ ensuring the speed and predictability of the review process for the use of original data.
Chairperson Koh Hak-soo noted, "It is important to establish a regulatory system that allows for the safe use of personal information for the development of the AI and data ecosystem," and added, "We will actively support AI to enhance economic vitality and continue to serve as a growth engine."