On Oct. 10, Na Eun-ah, head of the Data Safety Utilization Division at KISA, is starting the event with an opening remark at the pseudonym information utilization case presentation./Courtesy of KISA

The Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) announced on the 10th that it held a "Presentation on the Use of Pseudonymous Information" at its Seoul headquarters to share excellent examples and research results utilizing pseudonymous information.

Through this presentation, KISA introduced 13 cases of utilizing pseudonymous information learning data from local governments, private and public institutions that directly impact citizens' daily lives, including ▲the development of technology to prevent voice phishing crimes based on artificial intelligence (AI) ▲the generation and provision of learning data using closed-circuit television (CCTV) video information from local governments ▲the development and demonstration of an integrated job support solution based on AI, and shared research results.

Additionally, KISA presented the in-depth analysis results of the data items and pseudonymization techniques applied in the excellent cases of using pseudonymous information, allowing participants to gain insights on how to effectively utilize pseudonymous information.

Na Eun-a, head of KISA's Data Safety Utilization Division, noted, "Pseudonymous information is a useful tool to solve the shortage of AI learning data," and added, "We will continue to support the discovery of pseudonymous information use cases that can be felt by citizens in all industries."