Image of the signboard at Seonwonjeon, Gyeongbokgung Palace. /Courtesy of Riot Games

Riot Games announced on the 3rd that it successfully retrieved the overseas cultural heritage 'Gyeongbokgung Seonwonjeon Plaque' domestically.

'Gyeongbokgung Seonwonjeon Plaque,' a Chosun royal artifact, is the plaque that hangs in Seonwonjeon, where the portraits of past kings were sealed and rituals were conducted. Seonwonjeon is the highest-ranking 'jeon (殿)' in the Chosun royal court, symbolizing the core values of loyalty (忠) and filial piety (孝) that underpinned the ruling system of the time. The Gyeongbokgung Seonwonjeon Plaque is significant as a cultural heritage that demonstrates the authenticity and historical value of the royal family. Experts estimate that the retrieved cultural heritage is the plaque that hung in Gyeongbokgung Seonwonjeon, reconstructed in 1868, considering the historical context and relevant documentary records.

The Korea Heritage Service and the Foundation for the Preservation of Overseas Cultural Heritage obtained information about the Gyeongbokgung Seonwonjeon Plaque through a local network in Japan last year and conducted expert evaluations and investigations. They conveyed the necessity for the plaque to return to Korea to the owners and persuaded them, successfully bringing it back with the support of Riot Games.

The Gyeongbokgung Seonwonjeon Plaque will be unveiled for the first time at the National Palace Museum at 10 a.m. on the 27th and will be systematically managed at the National Palace Museum, which oversees royal artifacts.

Meanwhile, Riot Games has been supporting the retrieval of overseas cultural heritage for 12 years since signing a sponsorship agreement with the Korea Heritage Service in 2012 to 'protect and support Korean cultural heritage.' Cases of private corporations supporting the retrieval of overseas cultural heritage are extremely rare due to the difficulty of predicting the timing of their market emergence or the success of purchases, making Riot Games a leading private corporation in this long-term support.

The Gyeongbokgung Seonwonjeon Plaque is the seventh overseas cultural heritage successfully retrieved with the support of Riot Games. Previously, Riot Games supported the retrieval of overseas cultural heritage six times, starting with the ▲Seokgasamjeondo (2014), followed by ▲Queen Munjeong's royal decree (2018), ▲Cheongam Seonsaeng's collected writings (2019), ▲White Porcelain Hyongguk Myeongthree (2019), ▲Jungwha Palace Lady (2019), and ▲Bolok (2022).

Jo Hyuk-jin, the representative of Riot Games, said, “I deeply appreciate the Korea Heritage Service and the Foundation for the Preservation of Overseas Cultural Heritage and other related organizations for their hard work in the seventh retrieval. I would also like to extend my gratitude once again to the players who have participated and shown affection for our social contribution activities over the past 10 years, and I hope that Riot Games' efforts toward our cultural heritage can bring you pride.”