Japan held the 'Takeshima Day' event, reaffirming its claim that Dokdo is Japanese territory. Senior officials from the Japanese government also attended the event. The South Korean government protested, urging, 'Abolish the event immediately.'
Shimane Prefecture held a memorial ceremony for Takeshima Day, claiming Dokdo as Japan's inherent territory, in Matsue, the location of the prefectural government, on the afternoon of the 22nd. Shimane Prefecture unilaterally established Takeshima Day in 2005 and has been holding commemorative events annually since 2006.
Shimane Prefecture announced a public notice incorporating Dokdo into its administrative jurisdiction on Feb. 22, 1905, designating this day as Takeshima Day. This year marks the 20th observance. Approximately 500 participants are reported to have attended this year's event, similar to last year's turnout.
The event was attended by Eriko Imai, a Vice Minister-level official responsible for territorial issues in the Japanese government's Cabinet Office. Since the inauguration of the second Shinzo Abe Cabinet in 2013, the Japanese government has dispatched a Vice Minister to the Takeshima Day events for 13 consecutive years up to this year.
Japanese foreign ministers have been asserting annually that Dokdo is Japanese territory since Fumio Kishida, then Foreign Minister, stated in a diplomatic speech in 2014 that it is 'Takeshima, an inherent territory of Japan.'
Takeshi Iwaya, the Japanese Foreign Minister, also stated during a regular session of the National Diet on the 24th of last month regarding Dokdo, 'Based on our fundamental position as Japan's inherent territory, we will respond resolutely in light of historical facts and international law.'
The South Korean government immediately issued a statement that day criticizing Japan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in its spokesperson's statement released that day, 'We again strongly urge the immediate abolition of this event.'
It emphasized, 'The Japanese government must immediately cease its unjust claims regarding Dokdo, which is clearly our inherent territory historically, geographically, and under international law, and must face history with humility.'
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also summoned Daisuke Miba, the minister in charge of the Japanese Embassy in South Korea, to protest against the hosting of the 'Takeshima Day' event.