POSCO Holdings held a board meeting on the 19th and recommended candidates for inside and outside directors.
The POSCO Holdings board recommended Lee Joo-tae, head of the future strategy division, and Cheon Sung-rae, head of the business synergy division, as new inside director candidates. Kim Ki-soo, head of the future technology research institute (group CTO), was re-nominated as an inside director.
POSCO Holdings noted, "The inside director candidates are top experts in their respective fields within the group, and they will focus on strengthening the core competitiveness of the steel business, overcoming the temporary demand slowdown in the secondary battery materials business, strategically promoting overseas businesses, and restructuring the group's business operations."
The board's nominating committee recommended Professor Son Seong-kyu from Yonsei University Business School and Yoo Jin-nyeong, CEO of Angel Six Plus, as outside director candidates. Professor Son is an expert in the field of finance and accounting, and CEO Yoo is an expert in the field of new technology development.
The inside and outside director candidates are expected to be appointed following approval at the regular general meeting of shareholders on the 20th of next month.