Investment specialist accelerator CNT Tech has been selected as the best managing organization for 2023 in the initial startup package managed by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and the Korea Startup Promotion Agency.

The initial startup package is a support project managed by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and the Korea Startup Promotion Agency, selecting universities and public and private institutions with excellent startup infrastructure as managing organizations to support promising startups within three years of their founding.

Selected startups can receive customized support, including up to 100 million won in commercialization funds, item validation, investment attraction, and market development.

/Courtesy of CNT Tech

Since 2020, CNT Tech has participated as a managing organization of the initial startup package for five consecutive years, supporting the stabilization and growth of early-stage startups. In particular, as a private managing organization, it has actively utilized its infrastructure through investment funds and connections with large corporations.

Through this, it has incubated a total of 124 startup corporations over five years, achieving results such as a cumulative investment amount of about 17 billion won, including direct investment of 3.45 billion won during the contract period, sales of 140 billion won, linkage with startup support projects of 14.3 billion won, and the creation of 602 new jobs.

In particular, in 2024, it supported direct and indirect investment attraction of 3.3 billion won and connections with eight TIPS for 12 incubated corporations, helping to overcome investment cold snaps. Based on these achievements, CNT Tech has been selected twice as the best managing organization for the initial startup package in 2021 and 2023.

CNT Tech's representative, Jeong Seong, noted, "I am very pleased to have been selected as the best managing organization for the initial startup package following our selection as the best operator of the Youth Startup Academy in 2024," adding, "In 2025, as an investment specialist accelerator, we will discover and foster promising early-stage startups, and through active support, we will fulfill our role as a bridge linking the revitalization of the investment ecosystem with public and private investments."

The recruitment for the 2025 initial startup package support project will be available from Feb. 24 to Mar. 11 on the K-Startup website. CNT Tech plans to discover and foster a total of 23 startup corporations this year.