On the first day of listing on the KOSDAQ market on the 20th, shares of TXR Robotics, a robot and logistics automation company affiliated with Eugene Group, are strong.
As of 9:10 a.m. on that day, TXR Robotics is trading at 22,750 won, up 9,250 won (68.52%) compared to the offering price of 13,500 won.
TXR Robotics recorded a competition ratio of 862.62 to 1 in the demand forecast for institutional investors conducted from the 26th of last month to the 5th of this month. A total of 2,342 domestic and foreign institutions participated. The offering price was finalized at the top of the desired range of 11,500 won to 13,500 won.
In the subscription for common stock for individual investors conducted over two days on the 10th and 11th, the competition ratio was 816.41 to 1. Approximately 4.237 trillion won was gathered as subscription deposits.
Founded in 2017, TXR Robotics focuses on robot automation and logistics automation. Its strength lies in providing a customer-tailored turn-key business that encompasses everything from project planning to design, procurement, production, construction, and maintenance, based on its own hardware and software technology.
TXR Robotics plans to utilize the 41.5 billion won in funds to be raised through this offering for expanding production base infrastructure, repaying borrowing funds to stabilize its financial structure, operating funds including new product research and development, new service robot business, and overseas expansion, as well as for bolt-on mergers and acquisitions to promote growth in the robot automation business.