Moon Chang-hwan is the new representative of IBK Capital. /Courtesy of Chosun DB

Moon Chang-hwan, the former vice president of IBK Industrial Bank, has been appointed as the new CEO of IBK Capital.

IBK Capital announced on the 17th that it appointed former vice president Moon as CEO during its shareholders meeting and board of directors meeting held on the 14th.

In his inaugural speech, CEO Moon emphasized IBK Capital's more solid and robust growth, outlining management policies that include ▲taking another leap into the top tier of the industry ▲co-work (internal cooperation and synergy between groups) ▲creating a workplace atmosphere that makes work enjoyable.

CEO Moon graduated from Bukil High School in Cheonan and the Department of Business Administration at Dankook University. He joined IBK Industrial Bank in 1989 and has gained diverse experience in finance and economics over 36 years, having served as the head of the Southern Central Regional Headquarters, the head of the Gyeongseo Regional Headquarters, the head of the Digital Group, and the head of the Management Strategy Group.