Samsung Electronics' stock price is strong in early trading on the 17th. With the world's largest artificial intelligence (AI) developer conference 'GTC 2025' hosted by Nvidia kicking off, expectations are high that Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia, will express positive opinions regarding Samsung Electronics' high-bandwidth memory (HBM), stimulating investor sentiment.
Samsung Electronics' shares traded at 57,200 won in the KOSPI market as of 9:19 a.m. on the 17th. The stock price rose by 4.57% (2,500 won) compared to the previous trading day. This is the first time Samsung Electronics' stock price has surpassed the 57,000 won mark this month.
It appears that many investors are expecting a rebound in the prices of general-purpose memory semiconductors and the possibility of cooperation with Nvidia.
CEO Huang will give the keynote address at GTC 2025 on the 18th (local time). He is expected to present blueprints for products that enhance the performance of the GPU Blackwell and for the upcoming product Rubin, set to launch in 2026. Currently, Blackwell features the fifth-generation HBM, HBM3E, while Rubin is planned to be equipped with the sixth-generation HBM, HBM4.
SK hynix is supplying HBM3E to Nvidia, but it is known that Samsung Electronics' HBM3E is only applied to Nvidia's general-purpose products. Both Samsung Electronics and SK hynix have set up exhibition booths at GTC 2025.