NewBeat makes a strong debut in the music industry today with their first regular album and large-scale debut project.

The group NewBeat (NEWBEAT, Park Min-seok, Hong Min-seong, Jeon Yeo-jeong, Choi Seo-hyun, Kim Tae-yang, Jo Yoon-hoo, Kim Ri-woo) releases their first regular album 'RAW AND RAD' at 6 p.m. on the 24th through various online music sites, officially debuting in the K-pop scene.

'RAW AND RAD' is an album that embodies the fierce spirit of boys who continuously challenge themselves without the fear of failure. NewBeat is expected to convey the stories of the brightest boys with an unrestrained daring and honest emotions.

A total of 11 tracks are included, including pre-released songs 'JeLLo (힘숨찐)' and 'HICCUPS,' title track 'Flip the Coin,' 'Intro: RAW AND RAD (feat. Khundi Panda) (Prod. Maalib),' 'Sounds like Money,' 'You, Me +,-,' 'F.L.Y (Prod. Lim Hyun-sik),' 'Wonder (Solo. Jeon Yeo-jeong),' 'We Are Young,' 'Outro: ZERO-SUM GAME (Prod. Maalib),' and 'Highs & Lows (Hi & Love)'.

Maalib participated in the production of the intro 'RAW AND RAD' and outro 'ZERO-SUM GAME,' while Lim Hyun-sik from the group BTOB contributed to the production of the track 'F.L.Y.' Additionally, Khundi Panda's participation in the featuring of 'RAW AND RAD' enhanced its completeness.

[Photo] Provided by Beat Interactive